Sandoz Pvt. Ltd. (Novartis India)
The system in living organisms that takes up oxygen and discharges carbon dioxide in order to satisfy energy requirements. The respiratory system consists of all the organs involved in breathing. These include the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. The respiratory system does two very important things: it brings oxygen into our bodies, which we need for our cells to live and function properly; and it helps us get rid of carbon dioxide, which is a waste product of cellular function.In humans the respiratory tract is the part of the anatomy involved with the process of respiration.The respiratory tract is divided into 3 segments:upper respiractory tract,Respiratory airways,Lungs.The respiratory tract is a common site for infections.
Anti-Asthmatic Drugs are medicines that are used to treat or prevent asthma attacks. Asthma medicines play a vital role in gaining good control of asthma. They are available in the form of sprays, pills, powders, liquids and shots. There are two main types of medicines for asthma: 1. Bronchodilators: These drugs relax the smooth muscles that tighten around the airway. The airways thus open wide and more and more air pass through them. 2. Anti-inflammatory drugs: This is the most common type of treatment for asthmatic patients because they prevent asthma attacks on an ongoing basis.
Piramal Healthcare Ltd (Nichloas)