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The brain is a pinkish-grey, wrinkled organ that fills the skull — looking, for all the world, like a huge walnut. It is hard to believe, from its appearance, that this ugly lump of jelly contains the mechanisms of thought, perception, will, and consciousness, that it is the seat of our personality. Its 100,000 million nerve cells, each with an average of 100,00 connections from other neurons, makes the human brain the most complicated and least understood object in the known universe. The vertebrate brain is the large anterior portion of the central nervous system . The "cranial vault" of the skull encases the brain in most vertebrates. In invertebrates, the enlarged and specialized anterior ganglion of the central nervous system is often referred to as a brain, although not all scientists regard it as a true brain.

Wilson's disease

Wilson's disease is an inherited disorder that causes too much copper to accumulate in your liver, brain and other vital organs. Another term for Wilson's disease is hepatolenticular degeneration.
Copper plays a key role in the development of healthy nerves, bones, collagen and the skin pigment melanin. Normally, copper is absorbed from your food, and any excess is excreted through bile — a substance produced in your liver.
But in people with Wilson's disease, copper isn't eliminated properly and instead accumulates, possibly to a life-threatening level. Left untreated, Wilson's disease is fatal. When diagnosed early, Wilson's disease is treatable, and many people with the disorder live normal lives.

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