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Progesterone uses and side effect


Abortion prevention, Preterm labour, and can also be given in adjunctive therapy as an alternative drug of choice in Endometrial cancer.

Contra Indication

Hypersensitivity. Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding, breast cancer, pregnancy, lactation. Thromboembolic disorders. History of seizures. Markedly impaired liver functions.


Pregnancy or lactation, patients with any pre-existing liver disease, diabetes, seizure disorder, kidney disease, heart trouble, asthma or a history of depression, migraines, blood clots, miscarriage or breast cancer or any allergy.

Side Effect

GI disturbances, increased appetite, wt gain or loss, oedema, acne, allergic skin rashes, urticaria, mental depression, discomfort in breast; cough, dyspnoea, circulatory disturbances. Pain at site of inj.
Medicines containing Progesterone

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